Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time to start blogging again!

Good Day Everyone,

I've recently been having numerous conversations with my housemate (@kulilegobingca) about blogging, or in our case not blogging. These conversations were not IT related by any means but they reminded me of the reasons for starting this blog site in the first place. In fact, more so than anything, he made me realize the selfishness that goes with NOT publishing/sharing information that may, OR may not, be relevant to the masses (even if it is just 1ne* person). In fact it is the cardinal sin many of my fellow beings fall victim to. This was further perpetuated when a stumbled upon the quote, which my African friends my relate to; which says: "Oppression can only survive through silence!"

I've therefore taken an oath not to fall victim to this sickness again, I shall blog, blog, blog; and will continue to encourage others to do the same. 

My Focus
I'll be focusing on most things BI, that is Business Intelligence (that's my field by the way), if I stray a bit off the topic, please don't blame me. I'm still a young man and would like to keep my blog interesting.

I'll also do my best to post articles I read from other sources. I PROMISE NOT TO PLAGIARIZE, BUT I WAS NEVER THAT GOOD AT ADDING REFERENCES, THAT STEMS FROM MY HIGH SCHOOL DAYS and remember I'm still a young man. 

*1ne = one (This is how I Like to write my ones!!! ;)